A Little Bit of Me

A Little Bit of Me

Growing up I've never been able to be comfortable in an environment without me having to question it, meaning I have never been completely comfortable in all my endeavors because I never got to a point where I felt that all my questions have been answered. Anyway, here is a list of some of the avenues I've ventured and passionately stayed in through out the years.


Football: My first Love / Every young boy's dream.

The greatest individual yet team sport in the history of mankind. As a youngin, I have always aspired to be one of the greatest footballers alive with this man:

As my role model and greatest inspiration. But life has a funny way of revealing that certain paths are not meant for you to take.

Athletics: Once a Year but Always There

Being an athlete has been in my DNA since birth. Given my biologically innate capabilities it was imperative for me to always participate, here's what I did:

  • 80m, 100m, 200m Sprints

  • High Jump

  • Long Jump

Rugby: My Greatest Physical Experiment

Coming to University and experiencing independence has allowed me to venture into unknown territories with ease. So I decided to try (still am) playing rugby.

As brutal as it may seem like the example below...

...it is honestly exhilarating and fun. I would advise anyone to try it out.

Technology: To infinity and Beyond

My interest in computers was sparked around the time I first used one. I was about 6/7 years old and vividly remember the first thing I did:

Using the PAINT software.

Example of using Paint by Microsoft

Ever since then I used to explore the system (Windows 7) in its entirety thus enabling me to gain knowledge and computer literacy that was beyond most of the peers that I spent my time with. "nO bIG dEAL", I thought to myself. Fast forward to over a decade later where technology has evolved beyond what one could have imagined it is still the same scenario, only difference is that now they lack computer literacy BY CHOICE.

include <iostream>
int main ()
    cout << "How do you feel about the current lack of computer skills?: " << endl;
    cin >> hFeels
    //For the record my answer is: People are doomed!

Just a joke